WODEN is designed to simulate the response of a class of telescope known as an interferometer, producing output "visibilities" for a given astrophysical sky model. Simulated observations allow us to test other software packages that are designed to calibrate and analyse real interferometric data, including verifying expected behaviour with known inputs, and testing new sky modelling techniques. The WODEN sky model can be specified in Dirac-delta like functions on the sky (known in the field as "point sources"), elliptical Gaussian models, or built out of "shapelet" basis functions, allowing complicated morphologies to be created. Users are able to input a bespoke layout for the interferometer, vary a number of observational parameters including time of day, length of observation and frequency coverage, and select from a number of predefined primary beams which encode the response of the receiving elements of an interferometer. This allows simulations of a number of telescopes to be undertaken. WODEN works with input Stokes I, Q, U, V polarisations as a sky model, simulating telescopes with dual linear polarisations, and outputting linear Stokes polarisations.