This study seeks to explain the urgency and contribution of community service sentencing to criminal law in Indonesia in the time to come. This study employed socio-legal methods, presenting two main issues, involving the urgency of community service in future criminal law in Indonesia and how community service sentencing contributes to criminal law in the time to come. These two problems are deemed urgent and require responses, considering that Indonesia arrived at the new threshold of criminal policies concerning community service given as sentencing following the promulgation of Law Number 1 of 2023 concerning the Penal Code. From the analysis of the issues, this research leads to the two following conclusions; viewing this issue from the humanitarian and philosophical perspectives, this research has concluded that, first, this problem is to be urgently put as part of the criminal policies in Indonesia; second, community service sentencing is likely to curtail the potential of seizing the freedom of offenders while providing room for offenders to maintain their existence as acceptable human beings in society.