Abstract-This research paper propose experimental support to secure Round Trip Engineering and use of security performance flexib ility trusted operating systems for the designing of secure web applications. In this research paper, for security concern, we suggest use of trusted operating systems as a platform to run these web applications. In this regard, a nu mber of trusted operating systems like Argus, Trusted Solaris, and Virtual Vault have been developed by various companies to handle the increasing need of security.For improving the performance o f same web applications, we observe that all security checks in a Trusted Operating System are not necessary. As per our suggestion, various unnecessary security checks can be skipped by admin istrator, so that system perfo rmance o f these web applications can improve. These unnecessary security checks, system calls and operations can be easily identified at the time o f requirement elicitation and Requirement Engineering. For examp le, as we know, the popular web servers deal with public information. In this web applicat ion, the need for security checks during reads from disk seems like a waste of CPU cycles. On the other hand the real security need for servers seems to be of the write accesses.This research paper aims to support the efficiency of object-oriented class-based programming and object oriented modeling in secure software development.Index Terms-Co mponent-based development, secure round trip engineering, Model driven Class identificat ion and Modeling, Trusted Operating Systems, Reengineering.