Complex networks appear in almost every aspect of science and technology. Although most results in the field have been obtained by analysing isolated networks, many real-world networks do in fact interact with and depend on other networks. The set of extensive results for the limiting case of non-interacting networks holds only to the extent that ignoring the presence of other networks can be justified. Recently, an analytical framework for studying the percolation properties of interacting networks has been developed. Here we review this framework and the results obtained so far for connectivity properties of 'networks of networks' formed by interdependent random networks.T he interdisciplinary field of network science has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years . This development is based on the enormous number of data that are now routinely being collected, modelled and analysed, concerning social 31-39 , economic 14,36,40,41 , technological 40,42-48 and biological 9,13,49,50 systems. The investigation and growing understanding of this extraordinary volume of data will enable us to make the infrastructures we use in everyday life more efficient and more robust.The original model of networks, random graph theory, was developed in the 1960s by ErdAEs and RĂ©nyi, and is based on the assumption that every pair of nodes is randomly connected with the same probability, leading to a Poisson degree distribution. In parallel, in physics, lattice networks, where each node has exactly the same number of links, have been studied to model physical systems. Although graph theory is a well-established tool in the mathematics and computer science literature, it cannot describe well modern, real-life networks. Indeed, the pioneering 1999 observation by Barabasi 2 , that many real networks do not follow the ErdAEs-RĂ©nyi model but that organizational principles naturally arise in most systems, led to an overwhelming accumulation of supporting data, new models and computational and analytical results, and to the emergence of a new science, that of complex networks.Complex networks are usually non-homogeneous structures that in many cases obey a power-law form in their degree (that is, number of links per node) distribution. These systems are called scale-free networks. Real networks that can be approximated as scale-free networks include the Internet 3 , the World Wide Web 4 , social networks 31-39 representing the relations between individuals, infrastructure networks such as those of airlines 51 , networks in biology 9,13,49,50 , in particular networks of proteinprotein interactions 10 , gene regulation and biochemical pathways, and networks in physics, such as polymer networks or the potentialenergy-landscape network. The discovery of scale-free networks led to a re-evaluation of the basic properties of networks, such as their robustness, which exhibit a drastically different character than those of ErdAEs-RĂ©nyi networks. For example, whereas homogeneous ErdAEs-RĂ©nyi networks are extremely vulnerable to random fa...