Desa Candikuning memiliki kemiringan lereng 0 – 65% dan petani dalam mengelola lahan melalui pemupukan belum memperhatikan kandungan unsur hara dari lahan tersebut. Penilaian kualitas tanah menjadi salah satu upaya meningkatkan pengelolaan dan sistem penggunaan lahan melalui indikator sifat fisik dan kimia tanah. Indikator sifat fisik dan kimia tanah dapat dinilai dengan penerapan pertanian presisi melalui analisis spasial. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kualitas tanah dan analisis spasial sifat fisik dan kimia tanah, yaitu tekstur tanah, porositas tanah, C-organik, dan N-total di Desa Candikuning. Pelaksanaan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survei dan uji laboratorium untuk menganalisa sifat fisik dan kimia tanah. Metode pengambilan sampel tanah menggunakan grid dengan metode systematic sampling sebanyak 50 sampel, kemudian dilakukan pemetaan menggunakan metode interpolasi inverse distance weighted. Kualitas sifat fisik tanah di Desa Candikuning ditinjau dari tekstur tanah terdiri dari lempung berpasir, pasir berlempung, dan lempung liat berpasir serta porositas tanah memiliki nilai terendah pada titik sampel 17 dengan nilai 34,39%. Adapun kualitas sifat kimia tanah terdapat nilai terendah pada titik sampel 21 dengan nilai C-organik sebesar 1,59% dan N-total sebesar 0,08%. Analisis spasial kualitas sifat fisik dan kimia tanah ditinjau dari tekstur tanah didominasi oleh tekstur lempung berpasir dan pasir berlempung, porositas tanah didominasi oleh nilai 40,01 – 50,00%, C-organik didominasi oleh nilai 3,01 – 5,00% yang masuk dalam kriteria tinggi, dan N-total didominasi oleh nilai 0,21 - 0,50% yang masuk dalam kriteria sedang.
Candikuning Village has a slope of 0 – 65% and farmers in managing the land through fertilization have not paid attention to the nutrient content of the land. Soil quality assessment is an effort to improve land use management and systems through indicators of soil physical and chemical properties. Indicators of soil physical and chemical properties can be assessed by the application of precision agriculture through spatial analysis. This research was conducted to determine soil quality and spatial analysis of soil physical and chemical properties, namely soil texture, soil porosity, C-organic, and N-total in Candikuning Village. The implementation of this research was carried out using survey methods and laboratory tests to analyze the physical and chemical properties of the soil. The soil sampling method uses a grid with a systematic sampling method of 50 samples, then mapping is carried out using the inverse distance weighted interpolation method. The quality of the physical properties of the soil in Candikuning Village in terms of soil texture consisting of sandy loam, loamy sand, and sandy loam and soil porosity has the lowest value at sample point 17 with a value of 34.39%. As for the quality of soil chemical properties, the lowest value was at sample point 21 with an organic C value of 1.59% and a total N of 0.08%. Spatial analysis of the quality of the physical and chemical properties of the soil in terms of soil texture is dominated by sandy loam and loamy sand textures, soil porosity is dominated by values of 40.01 – 50.00%, C-organic is dominated by values of 3.01 – 5.00% which included in the high criteria, and the N-total is dominated by the value of 0.21 - 0.50% which is included in the medium criteria.