Social networking sites created a sensation that greatly fascinated society as a result of the ease of communication between people. As a result, they became famous among people and became their main concern, as these sites allow them to get to know each other, know the news, and receive topics about everything that is new in the world, and in return for these positives. There are those who exploit these sites in a way that is harmful to them, and many problems have emerged, the most important of which is the problem of electronic blackmail. Social networking sites caused a sensation that greatly dazzled the community as a result of the ease of communication between people, and as a result, they became famous among people and became their preoccupation, as these sites allow them to get to know each other, know the news, and receive topics of everything that is new in the world, and in return for these positives There are those who exploited these sites in a way that abused them, and many problems appeared, the most important of which is the problem of electronic extortion. Some people have taken advantage of this technology to attack the lives of others unlawfully, as the criminal infiltrates the privacy of people without paying attention to any red lines and exploiting what he has reached as a means of pressure and threat in order to reach his goals, and therefore the different methods used in committing the crime continue with the advancement of technology This means that the laws combating the crime of electronic extortion need to be constantly developed and updated to reflect the changing nature of the crime.