Accurate models of electromagnetic systems can be derived by coupling electric and magnetic equivalent circuits together. The different nature of such physical domains constitutes a big challenge that puts a continuous strain on software simulators. To face this problem, a simulation approach based on Wave Digital Filters (WDFs) is proposed in this manuscript. The method is employed to solve nonlinear electromagnetic systems containing complex magnetic equivalent circuits while maintaining the modularity of the electric and magnetic subsystems. The nonlinearities can be locally handled, enabling the possibility to choose a dedicated model for each one of them. The proposed algorithm is a hierarchical generalization of the Scattering Iterative Method, which has shown, over the past few years, promising performance for the simulation of large nonlinear circuits. In addition, the method constitutes a further step towards the development of novel general-purpose circuit simulators based on WDF principles. In a comparison with mainstream circuit simulation software, the proposed approach turns out to be considerably faster and thus particularly promising for parametric analyses of electromagnetic systems.