This paper presents a universal model formulation for solving Optimal Power Flows for hybrid AC/DC grids. The prowess of the new formulation is that it (i) provides a direct link between AC and DC parts of the grid allowing for solving the entire network within a unified frame of reference (not sequentially) and (ii) can realistically model any element within the AC/DC power grid, ranging from conventional AC transmission lines to multiple types of AC/DC interface devices such as Voltage Source Converters (VSC) by introducing additional control variables. The model is formulated in such a way that it does not make a distinction, from a mathematical perspective, between AC and DC elements and the ensuing optimal power flow (OPF) problem can be solved via model-based optimization solvers as a mathematical programming problem. Simulations carried out using a variety of non-linear gradient-based solvers in AIMMS © on a small contrived and a large realistic test system (modified PEGASE) clearly show that the universal model is on par with existing methodologies for solving OPFs both in accuracy of the solution and computational e ciency. Meanwhile, simulations carried out on a series of AC and AC/DC test systems show that the model is scalable and stays computationally tractable for larger system sizes without sacrificing convergence time. Reactive Power Q t Constraint v f Voltage "from" g P v dp Voltage Droop Constraint v t Voltage "to" g G sw VSC losses correction Constraint i f Current "from" h S 2 f Loadability Constraint "from" i t Current "to" h S 2 t Loadability Constraint "to" S f Complex Power "from" L S 2 L