Using first-principles calculations we studied the energetics ͑surface energy, step energy, stability with respect to faceting͒ of the low-and high-Miller-index ͑vicinal͒ Cu surfaces, namely, the ͑111͒, ͑100͒, ͑110͒, ͑311͒, ͑331͒, ͑210͒, ͑211͒, ͑511͒, ͑221͒, ͑711͒, ͑320͒, ͑553͒, ͑410͒, ͑911͒, and ͑332͒ surfaces. Our calculations are based on density-functional theory employing the all-electron full-potential linearized augmented planewave ͑FLAPW͒ method. We found that the unrelaxed vicinal Cu surfaces between ͑100͒ and ͑111͒ are unstable relative to faceting at 0 K, while fully relaxed vicinal surfaces between ͑100͒ and ͑111͒ are stable relative to faceting, which is in agreement with the observed stability of vicinal Cu surfaces at room temperature. Thus atomic relaxations play an important role in the stability of the vicinal Cu surfaces. Using the surface energies of Cu͑111͒, Cu͑100͒, and Cu͑110͒ and employing the effective pair-potential model, which takes into account only the changes in the coordination of the surface atoms, the surface energies of the vicinal Cu surfaces can be calculated with errors smaller than 1.0% compared with the calculated FLAPW surface energies. This result is due to the almost perfect linear scaling of the surface energies of the Cu͑hkl͒ surfaces as a function of the total number of broken nearest-neighbor bonds. Furthermore, we calculate step-step interactions as a function of terrace widths and step energies of isolated steps.