For the synthesis of manipulators and robots, an accurate analysis of the movements of the individual links is essential. This thesis deals with motion planning of the effector of a multi-linked manipulator. An important topic in this area is the orientation and position of links and kinematic pairs in space. In particular, attention should be paid to the position of their endpoint as well as other significant points. Trajectory planning allows the manipulator to perform complex tasks, such as picking and placing objects or following a particular path in space. Overall, trajectory planning of a multibody manipulator involves a combination of direct and inverse kinematics calculations, as well as control theory and optimization techniques. It is an important process enabling manipulators to perform complex tasks such as assembly, handling and inspection. In the design of robot kinematic structures, simulation programs are currently used for their kinematic and dynamic analysis. The proposed manipulator was first solved by inverse kinematics problem in Matlab. Subsequently, the trajectories of the end-effector were determined in Matlab by a direct kinematics problem. In Simulink, using the SimMechanics library, the inverse problem of dynamics was used to determine the trajectories of the moments.