Abstract. Production of heavy forging of bars weighing more then 235 tons for such products as rotors made of steel type 20-30CrNiMoV is a critical independent work, failure to perform which entails high costs related to repeated production (in case of defective product) and untimely launch of production plants. One of the frequent causes of a defective product is the impossibility of ultrasonic testing in the barrel-gate zones on the rotor workpiece, which is due to the microstructure of the metal, namely the grain size. Determing the stages of deformation process wich causes such defects in structure is the main goal of this work.
Formatting the title, authors and affiliationsDecrease of defective products at all processing stages of metallurgical production is a priority task for researchers and production engineers. As is known, the grain size under deformation depends on the following parameters: degree of deformation ε, rate of deformation ε̇ s -1 , temperature T. These physical parameters in turn are associated with the process parameters, such as tool operation time on the workpiece, T of metal on the surface. Prediction of the structure change at different degrees of deformation and at a certain temperature is described on the basis of the theory of plastic deformation and can be modeled for specific technological processes [1,2].In turn, during deformation, recrystallization always occurs, which can be of three types: static, metadynamic and dynamic. One of the ways to optimize production processes at the stage of hot plastic deformation (HPD) of ingots is to model the structure using mathematical models and the finite elements method.There are several phenomenological models that establish the connection between the stressed and deformed state of the medium [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20]: Johnson-Cook model; Steinberg-Cochran-Guinan-Lund model; Zerilli-Armstrong model; Mechanical threshold stress model (MTS); Preston-Tonks-Wallace model. At the present time in order to model the evolution of structure during the HPD process, the microstructure characteristics relationship models (volume fraction of recrystallized grains and grain size) with HPD parameters based on equations of Avrami-Kolmogorov type [3][4][5][6][7][8] are most widely used. They show a high predictive capability, but require a lot of experimental data in order to determine unknown constants.Kinetics of dynamic recrystallization can be described by the following set of equations (1-4): 10 0.5