Within the global scienti ic community and international political scene, the necessity of a development that takes seriously into account environmental protection, social cohesion and cultural progress is increasingly highlighted. In this context, the present study aims to explore the role of women over time in local sustainable development, in a Greek island, Rhodes. The present research is qualitative. A semi-structured interview is the data collection tool which is structured on the basis of the four interrelated axes of sustainability: economic, social, cultural and environmental. The research sample is composed of women from the city and all the villages of Rhodes, aged over 65, as the research focuses on the middle of the last century. The results of the survey show that women's participation has been particularly important in the economic development of the island, as they have helped signi icantly in the rural work, along with housework. Moreover, their role as mothers in supporting the family institution has been fundamental, while at the same time they have been mostly involved in training and bringing up children. Their involvement in the local customs was discreet, although they offered exceptional works of art, loom, embroidery and other creations that decorated the houses. With regard to the environment, their habits were environmentally friendly. In their yards they had lowers and trees, and they cultivated vegetables without fertilizers in their gardens. They were also giving the excess food to pets or domestic animals and the garbage from their housework was scarce. Generally, they have made a decisive contribution to the sustainable development of the island.