Here, experimental results for testing a novel solar concentrating system are presented. The novel receiver is tested on a technology that combines the two proven concepts of solar concentrating technologies (linear Fresnel reflector (LFR) and central receiver technologies) into a new concept called focal point Fresnel collector (PFFC) with a polar suntracking system. The PFFC system works by concentrating direct solar irradiation using several flat mirrors positioned over a square-rotating surface that follows the sun. Considering the solar elevation, the reflection is achieved using the Fresnel reflection concept. Rectangular mirrors of LFR technology are discretised into small square mirrors to achieve point focusing. A concentration ratio of 600 has been achieved, which is like that of parabolic dish (PD) systems. Mathematical modelling of the system is presented along with the experimental results. Furthermore, the PFFC system with the novel receiver provides similar thermal efficiency with comparatively higher manufacturing ease than the PD system. Besides, a maximum thermal efficiency of 87% has been achieved.