Early mathematical models varied in their predictions of the impact of HIV/AIDS on population growth from minimal impact to reductions in growth, in pessimistic scenarios, from positive to negative values over a period of 25 years. Models predicting negative rates of natural increase forecast little effect on the dependency ratio. Twenty years later, HIV prevalence in small towns, estates, and rural villages in eastern Zimbabwe, has peaked within the intermediate range predicted by the early models, but the demographic impact has been more acute than was predicted. Despite concurrent declines in fertility, fueled in part by HIV infections (total fertility is now 8% lower than expected without an epidemic), and a doubling of the crude death rate because of HIV/AIDS, the rate of natural population increase between 1998 and 2005 remained positive in each socioeconomic stratum. In the worst-affected areas (towns with HIV prevalence of 33%), HIV/AIDS reduced growth by two-thirds from 2.9% to 1.0%. The dependency ratio fell from 1.21 at the onset of the HIV epidemic to 0.78, the impact of HIVassociated adult mortality being outweighed by fertility decline. With the benefit of hindsight, the more pessimistic early models overestimated the demographic impact of HIV epidemics by overextrapolating initial HIV growth rates or not allowing for heterogeneity in key parameters such as transmissibility and sexual risk behavior. Data collected since the late 1980s show that there was a mismatch between the observed growth in the HIV epidemic and assumptions made about viral transmission.dependency ratio ͉ population growth T he initial observation of a growing AIDS epidemic among heterosexual populations in the Americas and Africa generated concern over the eventual scale and impact of the pandemic. A range of models was developed to explore the future spread of infection and its impact on mortality based on the available pattern of growth in HIV prevalence, patterns of sexual behavior, transmissibility of the virus, and progression from infection to AIDS and death. Initial predictions, based on the early growth of the epidemic and a long duration of infectiousness, predicted that, over a period of decades, HIV could well turn population growth rates negative (1, 2). However, others disagreed (3), and the consensus at a United Nations and World Heath Organization workshop held in December 1989 was that the epidemic could have an important effect on population growth but that negative rates of natural increase were unlikely (4). A maximum reduction of 30% in the growth rate over a period of Ͻ50 years was predicted. The relationship between mortality in young adults and decreased births meant that, even in models with an extreme impact, dependency ratios were predicted to remain unchanged (1, 2).Over time, our understanding of the spread of HIV and its impact on fertility and mortality has improved and has been included in more recent models (5-7). Model predictions can be compared with empirical estimates of demographic impact o...