The comprehensive study of proteomes has become an important part of attempts to uncover the systemic properties of biological systems. Proteomics provides data of a quality which increasingly fulfills strict requirements of systems biology for quantitative and qualitative information. Notably, proteomics can generate rich datasets that describe dynamic changes of proteomes. On the other hand, large-scale modeling requires the development of mathematic tools that are adequate for the processing of largely uncertain biological data. In this review, recent developments that pave the way for the integration of proteomics into systems biology are discussed. These developments include the standardization of data acquisition and presentation, the increased comprehensiveness of proteomics studies in description of functional status, localization and dynamics of proteins, and advanced modeling approaches.
Proteomics and modeling of biological processesThe dynamic complexity of biological processes has been less well understood, when compared to many physical and chemical processes. Apparently, sending a man to the Moon is less complicated than the full understanding of how bruises heal. This situation is about to change: the sequencing of a number of genomes, large-scale explorations of transcriptomes, proteomes and metabolomes, and a huge volume of directed studies inspire hope that we will be able to describe a living creature in the strict language of mathematics. Most importantly, there is a hope that we will be able to design better treatments and predict outcomes for human diseases. The development of modeling tools fuels these expectations, with the dawn of systems biology. Study of the systemic properties of biological systems, as systems biology can be defined, has already provided successful examples, e.g., insights into the physiology of the heart, diabetes, asthma and cancer (reviewed in [1,2]).Building and analysis of models of biological processes comprises a number of modeling tools, and addresses biological complexity on the levels from biochemical reactions and cell physiology to behavior and evolution [3,4]. Here and through-out this review the term "model" refers to description of biological processes in mathematical terms, without discrimination of mathematical tools. Consequently, modeling is defined as "the application of methods to analyze complex, real-world problems to make predictions about what might happen with various actions" (see Computational Science Glossary, terms.htm; Table 1). Modeling tools cover a broad range of mathematical methods, from systems of differential equations to statistical correlation tools [3,4]. Some of the tools require detailed knowledge about components, e.g., to build a systems of differential equations for modeling of a signaling Abbreviations: ABPP, activity-based proteome profiling; BEMAD, b-elimination followed by Michael addition with DTT; FAK, focal adhesion kinase; FRET, fluorescence resonance energy transfer; GFP, green fluores...