Introduction Equilibrium passive samplers consisting of 55-µm polyoxymethylene (POM) and 170-µm polydimethylsiloxane were tested for the analysis of polychlorinated dibenzodioxin/furan (PCDD/F) in the pore water and overlying water of the Frierfjord, a bay in southern Norway. This fjord is heavily polluted with PCDD/Fs due to emissions from a former Mg smelter. Results and Discussion Field exposures of both equilibrium passive sampler types yielded similar results for freely dissolved PCDD/F concentrations (C W,free ) in the overlying water. In addition, the passive sampling data deviated less than an order of magnitude from C W,free obtained with conventional "active" sampling through pumping/filtration over glass fiber filters and polyurethane foam. A similar comparison was done for the pore water, where POM passive samplers also proved to yield freely dissolved pore water concentrations (C PW,free ) that deviated less than an order of magnitude from earlier published values measured by direct pore water extraction. The data were also used to derive sediment-water activity ratios, which indicate the diffusive flux direction. High sediment-to-water activity ratios (median value of 160 for 17 congeners) indicated a strong diffusion gradient between the sediment pore water and the overlying water, probably due to deposition of particle-bound PCDD/Fs in combination with low sedimentation rates.