Partitioning between
surface waters and the atmosphere is an important
process, influencing the fate and transport of semi-volatile contaminants.
In this work, a simple methodology that combines experimental data
and modeling was used to investigate the degradation of a semi-volatile
pollutant in a two-phase system (surface water + atmosphere). 4-Isobutylacetophenone
(IBAP) was chosen as a model contaminant; IBAP is a toxic transformation
product of the non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen. Here,
we show that the atmospheric behavior of IBAP would mainly be characterized
by reaction with •OH radicals, while degradation
initiated by •NO3 or direct photolysis
would be negligible. The present study underlines that the gas-phase
reactivity of IBAP with •OH is faster, compared
to the likely kinetics of volatilization from aqueous systems. Therefore,
it might prove very difficult to detect gas-phase IBAP. Nevertheless,
up to 60% of IBAP occurring in a deep and dissolved organic carbon-rich
water body might be eliminated via volatilization
and subsequent reaction with gas-phase •OH. The
present study suggests that the gas-phase chemistry of semi-volatile
organic compounds which, like IBAP, initially occur in natural water
bodies in contact with the atmosphere is potentially very important
in some environmental conditions.