We analyze the congestion data collected by a GPS device company (TomTom) for almost 300 urban areas in the world. Using simple scaling arguments and data fitting we show that congestion during peak hours in large cities grows essentially as the square root of the population density. This result, at odds with previous publications showing that gasoline consumption decreases with density, confirms that density is indeed an important determinant of congestion, but also that we need urgently a better theoretical understanding of this phenomena. This incomplete view at the urban level leads thus to the idea that thinking about density by itself could be very misleading in congestion studies, and that it is probably more useful to focus on the spatial redistribution of activities and residences.The increasing likelihood that an ever larger number of urban inhabitants can afford a private car continues to structure the spatial organization of our cities [1] with dramatic effects on their efficiency and development. Even when urban infrastructures are drastically remodelled in favour of the automobile, congestion keeps growing and has become one of the most important challenge for politicians and planners. In addition, it is an ever more important cause of serious health problems [3], and congestion leads to significant loss of time through traffic jams which has a negative impact on the economical growth of cities.With new sources of data, we are hard at work in reaching out for a quantitative understanding of cities [4] and this science helps to make these statements about congestion more precise. In particular, the data provided (now on a yearly basis) by one of the major GPS navigation device companies [5] allows us to produce a certain number of results about congestion in world cities that are worth reflecting upon. Of particular interest is the estimate of extra travel time per day δ due to congestion. It is obtained by computing the increase of the average travel times during peak hours compared to a free flow situation. For London the extra travel time per day is 39 minutes for a 1 hour trip, and this can be compared to Mexico (57'), Los Angeles (43'), Beijing (42'), Paris (38') and Johannesbourg (35') which are immediate examples computed from such data. In other words, if a trip in free flow (without congestion) has a duration τ 0 , with congestion (during peak hours) it will take a time equal to (1 + δ)τ 0 (where δ and τ 0 are measured in units of one hour).This information allows us to discuss regional peculiarities and to monitor the yearly increases in congestion [6][7][8]. In principle, it also allows us to compare different cities with one other, but this has however to be done with care, and it could be misleading to compare the extra travel time per day directly. Indeed, with different sizes of city, a one hour trip could be close to the average duration of trips in one size of city, whereas in a smaller city, it could be above the average: thus the average commuting time clearly depends on the size ...