wetting property on desired surfaces. [1][2][3] In addition, it was also found that unidirectional wetting can also be achieved on a surface through the deposition of a coating with a surface energy gradient, [ 10 ] or by decorating it with an orderly array of Janus nanostructures, which possess a hydrophilic face on one side and a hydrophobic face on the other. [ 5,11,12 ] When a water droplet is deposited on these nanostructures and if the substrate material is suffi ciently hydrophilic ( α < 65°, where α refers to the intrinsic water contact angle of the substrate material), the liquid can infi ltrate into the space between the nanostructures, wetting their sides and the base. [ 1 ] The droplet then exhibits a net contact angle that is less than 90°. We shall refer to this case as the hydrophilic Wenzel state. However, if the substrate material is not as hydrophilic (65° < α < 90°) and the water droplet still wets the nanostructures fully, the droplet will most likely exhibit a net contact angle that is greater than 90° due to strong contact line pinning at the edges of the nanostructures. [ 13 ] This shall be referred to as the hydrophobic Wenzel state. Finally, if the substrate material is intrinsically hydrophobic ( α > 90°), then the liquid droplets would adopt the Cassie-Baxter state instead, wetting only the tips of the nanostructures, effectively sitting on a fl at, composite surface made up of air and nanostructure tips. [ 2,14 ] In all of the cases studied thus far on structurally asymmetric nanostructures, droplets exhibiting unidirectional wetting characteristics are found to adopt either the hydrophilic Wenzel state [ 1,3,5,15 ] or Cassie-Baxter state. [ 2 ] To achieve unidirectional wetting in the hydrophobic Wenzel regime, current theoretical models predict that heavily bent nanostructures are required, [ 1,15,16 ] and experimental data for borderline cases ( α = 65°) appear to support this hypothesis. [ 1,15 ] In this report, however, we show that, in contrast to these expectations, unidirectional wetting in the hydrophobic Wenzel regime can be induced by slightly bent nanostructures. The hydrophobic Wenzel state was achieved by allowing water droplets to spread on an orderly array of bent hydrophilic Si nanowires protruding from a hydrophobic base of Au coating, an arrangement that is made possible by the use of oblique angle deposition and metal assisted chemical etching of Si. Furthermore, through the novel use of simple NaCl precipitation, we were able to observe the nanoscale features of the droplet near the triple phase contact line, obtaining important experimental insights into the mechanism of unidirectional wetting on asymmetric nanostructures.Unidirectional wetting surfaces can cause liquid droplets to fl ow/move in one direction while pinning them in the other directions, a feature that is useful for biosensing, adhesives, thermal management, and microfl uidics. Such surfaces can be fabricated by employing structurally or chemically asymmetric nanostructures. While unidirectional wet...