Dyscalculia is a math learning disability that significantly interferes with students' academic performance and math-related aspects of their daily lives. Early diagnosis and the design of intervention programs adapted to the needs of each case are essential. In this sense, multiple technological resources are created to address both issues. Still, it is difficult to identify which characteristics they share and which are more relevant regarding didactic suitability. Given this situation, this research proposes categorizing these resources according to the type of addressee, objective, format, and supporting scientific evidence. The categorization process has been carried out in two phases: deductive and inductive. In the first phase, a systematic review of the literature was carried out in the main scientific publication databases. Based on the review publications reading, the aspects common to the technological resources found were identified in the second phase, and the final categorization criteria were created. The result of such a procedure provides a valuable bank of technological resources for intervention in dyscalculia at early ages. However, more scientific evidence is lacking to support its efficacy and validity in educational settings.