Conflict of interest: non-existentDespite this high prevalence, the etiology of hearing loss, in most cases, can be controlled, by promoting hearing health through preventive actions and guidance to the population 4 . For such, we need the involvement of a multidisciplinary team that includes speech therapists, pediatricians, gynecologists/obstetricians, neonatologists, nurses, besides the family and community 5 . Health professionals, especially nurses, who have practice founded in caring 6 , can act as multipliers of actions to promote health and prevent several diseases in periodic visits to the population assisted by them. However, most of these professionals do not receive information regarding the importance of prevention of hearing disorders, risk factors, its identification and diagnosis at the earliest possible of hearing loss, besides the unfamiliarity with the measures of medical and speech interventions, making it difficult to appropriate support the population in identifying such changes 7 .The knowledge related to hearing health by health professionals should be passed on to the population, which empowered by this knowledge can extend their care about the issue and conducting an active search of what is best for its health. This concept is consolidated with the claim that the actions of health
INTRODUCTIONHearing is one of the senses necessary to acquire important information for human development, especially in their language , educational and psychosocial aspects 1 . This relationship between hearing and oral language development makes the diagnosis of hearing loss should be accomplished as soon as possible 2,3 , in order to intervene and mitigate their consequences, with a greater chance of success in linguistic competence, for most children.Among the diseases possible of newborn screening, the hearing loss is highly prevalent (1 to 3:1,000), especially when compared to other diseases, such as phenylketonuria (0.07:1.000), hypothyroidism (0.17:1.000), sickle cell anemia (0.20:1.000 ) 2 , surveyed routinely through neonatal screening.
Educação em saúde com vistas à triagem neonatal e audição: uma revisão integrativaCamila Padilha Barbosa, Silvana Maria Sobral Griz
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this paper was to investigate studies regarding to health education and programs which the main topic is neonatal screening and/or hearing. It was done an integrative review, which was realized in August of 2011, with search on the Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, from those key-words in health science: "hearing", educational programs, health education, and neonatal screening". It was analyzed 10 articles. The data base with the majority of articles was Medline and seven of them was classified as evidence level of three. It could be observed that educative actions regarding to hearing health should be done as a manner to promote continuing education. The population mainly beneficiated with those actions was seen to be parents and health...