The professional standards for teachers provide the competences needed for this occupation, in function of the level of education and of the career stages. This study aims to discover the most important training factors which contribute to the acquisition of teacher competences and to (Dolan, 2012) and we will study the applicability of them in our university.
Keywords: teacher competences, lifelong learning, professional standards.
CONTEXT OF THE RESEARCHDuring the last two decades, the education in Romania was reformed several times, with the purpose to adapt its outcomes to the new educational policy requirements, to the digital era's new generations of children, to the European recommendations. The main agents of these changes are the teachers, who had to adapt their work, to modify the teaching-learning methodology, to acquire new skills, to alter the previous beliefs in education. In this fast-changing world, it is vital that the teachers have the essential competences in order to be effective in the classroom, ensuring to raising levels of pupil's attainment. But teachers need to help students acquire not only "the skills that are easiest to teach and easiest to test, but more importantly, ways of thinking (creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making and learning); ways of working (communication and collaboration); tools for working (including information and communications technologies); and skills around citizenship, life and career and personal and social responsibility for success in modern democracies" (OECD 2011).