The magnetic presheath is a boundary layer occurring when magnetized plasma is in contact with a wall and the magnetic field B makes an oblique angle α with the wall. Here, we consider the fusion-relevant case of a shallow-angle, α 1, electronrepelling sheath, with the electron density given by a Boltzmann distribution, valid for α/ √ τ + 1 m e /m i , where m e is the electron mass, m i is the ion mass, τ = T i /ZT e , T e is the electron temperature, T i is the ion temperature, and Z is the ionic charge state. The thickness of the magnetic presheath is of the order of a few ion sound Larmor radii ρ s = m i (ZT e + T i )/ZeB, where e is the proton charge and B = |B| is the magnitude of the magnetic field. We study the dependence on τ of the electrostatic potential and ion distribution function in the magnetic presheath by using a set of prescribed ion distribution functions at the magnetic presheath entrance, parameterized by τ . The kinetic model is shown to be asymptotically equivalent to Chodura's fluid model at small ion temperature, τ 1, for | ln α| > 3| ln τ | 1. However, in this limit ion gyro-orbits acquire a spatial extent that occupies a large portion of the magnetic presheath, which means that kinetic effects are not negligible. At large ion temperature, τ 1, relevant because T i is measured to be a few times larger than T e near divertor targets of fusion devices, ions reach the Debye sheath entrance (and subsequently the wall) at a shallow angle whose size is given by √ α or 1/ √ τ , depending on which is largest. †