The heating and evaporation of automotive fuel droplets are crucial to the design of internal combustion engines and to ensuring their good performance. Accurate modelling is essential to the understanding of these processes and ultimately improving engine design. The interest in fossil-biodiesel fuel blends has been mainly stimulated by depletion of fossil fuels and the need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions that contribute towards climate change. This paper presents an analytical investigation into the application of discrete component model for the heating and evaporation of multi-component fuel droplets to several blended diesel-biodiesel fuels. The model considers the contribution of all groups of hydrocarbons in diesel fuel and methyl esters in biodiesel fuels. The main features of new application to the analysis of blended-fuel droplets in engine-like conditions is described. The model is applied to several blends of diesel, combining 98 components of hydrocarbons, and 19 types biodiesel fuels, combining up to 17 species of methyl ester, considering the differences in their chemical levels of saturation, and thermodynamic and transport properties. One important finding is that some fuel blends, e.g. B5 (5% biodiesel fuel and 95% diesel fuel), can give almost identical droplet lifetimes to the one predicted for pure diesel fuel; i.e. such mixtures can be directly used in conventional diesel engines with minimal, or no, modification to the droplet break-up process.
KeywordsBiodiesel, Diesel, Fuel droplet, Fuel mixture, Heating and evaporation
IntroductionRenewable sources of energy, such as biodiesel fuels, have been of great interest to scientists and public in the last decades due to depletion of fossil fuels and impact on global warming [1,2]. Also, compared to fossil fuel, biodiesel fuel has several advantages: it has less carbon dioxide emissions, higher flash point, higher lubricity and it is cost effective; in addition, the blend of diesel-biodiesel fuels can be used in diesel engines with minimal/no modifications [3,4]. The delay in processes preceding the onset of combustion (mainly the heating and evaporation of fuel droplets) in the internal combustion engines is crucial to the design and performance of these engines [5,6]. However, the complexity of modelling these processes should be taken into account as it involves detailed physics of heat transfer, mass transfer and fluid dynamics associated processes. In this paper, the discrete component model (DCM) (see [5][6][7]) is utilised to analyse the droplets heating and evaporation of diesel-biodiesel fuel blends. These blends are represented by a mixture of 19 types of biodiesel fuels with up to 17 species of methyl ester (see [8] for more details) and diesel fuel, formed of 98 hydrocarbons (see [7] for more details). The thermodynamic and transport properties of diesel fuel are inferred from [7]; while for properties of biodiesel fuel are taken from [9]. The contribution of species and average droplet temperatures are taken into account...