EURO 24 -Lisbon 2010Traveling salesperson problem (TSP) instances encountered in real-world logistics operations are often sparse and asymmetric, and of large size. The literature on tabu search heuristics for the traveling salesman problem primarily deals with relatively small symmetric TSPs defined on complete graphs. In this paper, we provide data structures which speed up the performance of tabu search on large sparse asymmetric TSPs. We show that the speed up using our data strucures is significant, and allows us to use tabu search on much larger instances than those reported in the literature.
-A new greedy approach to the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP)Theodoros Gevezes, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 51124, Thessaloniki, Greece, theogev@gen.auth.grA new greedy approach is presented for the QAP, where instead of building a solution starting from an empty set, a feasible solution is reached gradually by deleting the worst elements. In order to implement this greedy approach, a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for a zero-one matrix to be a solution of the QAP is proved, while the verification of these conditions requires the solution of linear assignment problem with additional constraints. The new greedy approach has been incorporated in a Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) with favorable computational results.
-A new heuristic for the minimization of tool switches problemEdson Senne, Mathematics, UNESP/FEG, Caixa Postal 205, 12516-410, Guaratingueta, SP, Brazil,, Antonio Chaves, Horacio YanasseThe minimization of tool switches problem (MTSP) seeks a sequence to process a set of jobs so that the number of tool switches required is minimized. This work presents a new heuristic for the MTSP. This heuristic has a constructive phase, which is based on a graph where the vertices correspond the tools and exists an arc k=(i,j) binding vertices i and j if tools i and j are necessary for the execution of task k, and an improved phase based on the Iterated Local Search. Computational results show that the proposed heuristic has better performance than other methods from the literature. UMTS is the Third Generation mobile telecoms networks which will bring video, music and internet services to the cell phone and a range of electronic products. This paper deals with the implementation of the UMTS services in the existing GSM900 bandwidth. It focuses on the issue of spectrum and capacity reduction in UMTS900 deployment area and buffer area, which can be seen as an optimization problem, where the decision variable is the number of transmitters that assure an acceptable QoS of the GSM service. An efficient tabu search method is proposed to solve this problem. The point coverage, sink location, and data routing problems are considered within a unified frame and two integrated mixed-integer linear programming formulations are developed. They are difficult to solve and a hybrid procedure is proposed. The best sensor locations are ...