In recent years there has been a shift in microprocessor manu facture from building single-core processors towards provid ing multiple cores on the same chip. This shift has meant that a much wider population of developers are faced with the task of developing parallel software: a difficult, time con suming and expensive process. With the aim of identifying issues, emerging practices and design opportunities for sup port, we present in this paper a qualitative study in which we interviewed a range of software developers, in both industry and academia. We then perform a systematic analysis of the data and identify several cross-cutting themes. These analysis themes include the practical relevance of the probe effect, the significance of orchestration models in development and the mismatch between currently available tools and developers' needs. We also identify an important characteristic of parallel programming, where the process of optimisation goes hand in hand with the process of debugging, as opposed to clearer distinctions which may be made in traditional programming. We conclude with reflection on how the study can inform the design of software tools to support developers in the endeav our of parallel programming.