I acknowledge funding from the European Union ' s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, Marie Sk ł odowska-Curie grant agreement No 891762. Th e views I express here do not represent the funding institution. I wish to thank all the participants of the workshop ' Th e Day Aft er Covid-19 ' , held in November 2020 at the EUI, as well as Emanuela Pistoia, Giuseppe Morgese, Luigi Daniele and the editors for comments exchanged on a previous draft of this chapter.1 European Parliament resolution of 17 April 2020 on EU coordinated action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences (2020/2616(RSP)) www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/ document/TA-9-2020-0054_IT.pdf .2 M Draghi , ' Draghi: We Face a War against Coronavirus and Must Mobilise Accordingly ' Financial Times ( London , 25 March 2020 ) .3 Th e literature on this issue is vast. Ex multis , see F Snyder , ' Th e Unfi nished Constitution of the European Union: Principles, Processes and Culture ' in JHH Weiler and M Wind (eds), European 52 Luisa Marin Constitutionalism beyond the State ( Cambridge University Press , 2009 ) 55 -73; from a diff erent perspective, focusing on the means the EU has in terms of budget and administration, see C Fasone and P Lindseth, ' Europe ' s Fractured Metabolic Constitution: From the Eurozone Crisis to the Coronavirus Response ' , LUISS Working Paper Series, SOG-WP61/2020. 4 F Casolari , ' Prime considerazioni sull ' azione dell ' Unione ai tempi del Coronavirus ' ( 2020 ) 1 Eurojus 95 . 5 AM Pacces and M Weimer , ' From Diversity to Coordination: A European Approach to COVID-19 ' [ 2020 ] European Journal of Risk Regulation 283 .6 G Caggiano , ' COVID-19. Competenze dell ' Unione, libert à di circolazione e diritti umani in materia di controlli delle frontiere, misure restrittive della mobilit à e protezione internazionale ' ( 2020 ) I Post di AISDUE No 7 , 72 ( www.aisdue.eu ).7 France Diplomacy , ' European Solidarity in the Face of COVID-19 ' , www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/ french-foreign-policy/europe/news/article/european-solidarity-in-the-face-of-covid-19 .8 For an overview, see Commission, ' Q&A: Next Generation EU -Legal Construction ' . 9 On confl icting sovereignties as expression of the political confl ict between neo-sovereigntist populist parties and traditional politics, see C Bickerton , ' " Parliamentary " , " Popular " and " Pooled " : Confl icts of Sovereignty in the United Kingdom ' s Exit from the European Union ' ( 2019 ) 41