With the aging of the population, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in elderly patients is now more commonly seen in clinical practice. In older people, sleepiness is less marked than in younger patients, but insomnia symptoms are more common. Comorbidities are numerous and related to cardiometabolic and cognitive conditions. Polygraphy can be used to establish the diagnosis in the vast majority of cases, but polysomnography is indicated in cases of comorbid sleep disorders. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) remains the cornerstone of treatment, but compliance decreases with age, especially in those over 80, and when cognitive disorders are also present. In these patients, CPAP can be beneficial in terms of nighttime symptoms, sleepiness, mood, and cognition but can also prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disorders, especially in severeOSA patients. For this reason, we should offer this treatment to elderly patients and devise strategies to support them with treatment difficulties (e.g., therapeutic education, adapted masks, and telemonitoring). In the future, we need prospective studies to help identify elderly patients who will gain the greatest long-term benefit from treatment. Dedicated sleep testing, OSA severity markers, and specific questionnaires need to be developed in this older, but large, OSA population.