“…Engineered nanoparticles are novel anthropogenic stressors whose levels are expected to rise because of incremental consumer use (Jarvis, Miller, Lenihan, & Bielmyer, 2013). While an increasing number of studies looked at the effects of contaminants under warming (Carrie et al., 2009; Moe et al., 2013; Sokolova & Lannig, 2008), surprisingly few have focused on nanocontaminants (but see Mos, Kaposi, Rose, Kelaher, & Dworjanyn, 2017; Wong & Leung, 2014). Zinc oxide nanoparticles (nZnO) are one of the most produced nanoparticles with a worldwide production estimated at 550 tons per year (Piccinno, Gottschalk, Seeger, & Nowack, 2012; Read et al., 2016).…”