The distributions of the T and N classifications of the lesions were as follows T1, 50.0%; T2, 32.2%; T3, 14.3%; T4, 3.6%; N0, 57.1%; N1, 17.9%; N2, 25.0%; and N3, 0%. Fifteen patients underwent radiation therapy, of whom five underwent curative radiotherapy. While complete remission (CR) was maintained in one of these patients (T1N0), the remaining four patients developed recurrence. Five patients underwent preoperative radiation therapy. The response to the treatment was rated as no change in four patients and as progressive disease in the remaining one patient. Among the patients with N0 disease, seven patients (43.8%) developed lymph node metastases in the neck postoperatively. Distant metastases were the most frequent cause of death in the patients. The 3-year, 5-year, and 10-year survival rates of the patients were 58.5%, 36.5%, and 12.2%, respectively. Significant differences were recognized in the survival rates between patients with and without neck lymph node involvement at the first treatment (p=0.008), and between patients with and without postoperative lymph node recurrence in the neck (p=0.037).