Various types of deformed semi-finished products are prepared from aluminum alloys, such as plates, sheets, tapes, foil, panels, profiles, pipes, rods, forged pieces, wires. These semi-finished products are obtained by processing ingots of continuous casting by pressure - rolling, rolling-off, pressing, forging, stamping or drawing. Pressed semi-finished products are made of aluminum alloys in the majority of cases. The work examines the study of the evolution of the half-finished products microstructure at different stages of their manufacturing in several passes and shows the possibility of obtaining strips of fine-grained structure using pressing in a special device. Also, the research established that, in the material of half-finished product from the AD31 aluminum alloy the smooth fine-grained structure is formed with grains of 6 - 17 μm, which leads to an increase in the strength properties of the alloy and to a preservation of good plasticity.