This scientific article examines the impact of volleyball training sessions on the psychological state of students in collective teams of higher educational institutions during the martial law in Ukraine. The study focuses on the study of aspects of psychological well- being and stress resistance of the participants. The research methodology includes the analysis of psychological indicators of students before and after participation in volleyball training sessions in the collective teams of higher education institutions. The obtained monitoring results allow us to understand how sports activity affects the psychological health of student youth in the stressful conditions of military service, in particular.
The results of the study also indicate possible practical applications in the field of psychological support of students during the military conflict through the implementation of volleyball training programs. This can become the basis for the development of physical education programs aimed at increasing psychological stability and balancing the psychological well- being of the student community during the period of crises in the country.
In addition, the article analyzes the relationship between participation in volleyball training sessions and the level of social interaction among the student community under martial law. Evidence of the beneficial effect of such classes on the psychological state of students can serve as an increase in their level of self-esteem and general well-being, contributes to the formation of a positive psychological climate in the university environment during difficult historical periods. The study offers new opportunities for studying the impact of sports activities on the mental health and social adaptation of students in countries with a difficult political situation.