“…The Objects of the reviewed studies were to enhance learners' (a) particular skills, including motor skills (e.g., Contreras et al, 2019 ; Lau et al, 2020 ), cognitive skills (e.g., Ojeda-Castelo et al, 2018 ; Avila-Pesantez et al, 2019 ), engagement and attention (e.g., Jung and Sainato, 2015 ); visual skills (e.g., RuŽičková and Hordějčuková, 2015 ) and listening skills (e.g., Hatzigiannakoglou and Okalidou, 2019 ); (b) social interaction (e.g., Bernardini et al, 2014 ; Al Mahmud and Soysa, 2020 ); and (c) learning outcomes, which include science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM, e.g., Bakker et al, 2016 ), reading (e.g., Görgen et al, 2020 ), music (e.g., Chaves et al, 2021 ), and languages (e.g., Pontes et al, 2020 ).…”