With increased interest and requirements in surface water quality and hydrodynamics, additional information is needed about water flow in streams. The mobile OTT Qliner with acoustic Doppler technology (ADQ) provides a highly efficient and accurate way of collecting this information. For this study we completed 366 measurements of flow velocity, water depth and discharge with ADQ from September 2010 to June 2011 at 174 cross-sections in eight catchments of different sizes located in northern Germany, central Germany and southeastern China. The measurements were used to study the accuracy, reproducibility and sensitivity of the device, and to improve the hydrodynamic sampling for medium-sized rivers and channels by investigating its internal settings. The observations reported clearly show that the results of flow average, profile, layer and point values obtained with the ADQ compare very well with those of electromagnetic or ultrasonic devices. In general, the average flow velocity gives the highest agreement. Vertical velocity has a better quality than the layer velocity, which indicates a greater precision in the horizontal than in the perpendicular direction. Point velocity, the composite of vertical velocity and layer velocity, has intermediate precision. Tests on internal settings revealed that measurement is more sensitive to cell size than to time interval setting. A cell size to depth ratio of between 0.1 and 0.2 m produced the highest reliability. A measurement period of 30 s is needed for velocities faster than 0.3 m/s; for shallow and slow-flowing rivers, an interval of 50 s or even greater is recommended. The closer the measured points were to the river bank or bed, the greater the measurement error. The river bed can also influence the measurement more distinctly than the river bank. Les observations rapportées montrent clairement que les résultats de valeurs moyennes, le long d'un profil, à une profondeur donnée ou en un point, obtenus avec la TDA se comparent très bien avec ceux des dispositifs électromagnétiques ou à ultrasons. En général, le meilleur accord est obtenu pour la vitesse moyenne. La vitesse selon un profil est de meilleure qualité que la vitesse à une profondeur donnée, ce qui indique une plus grande précision dans le sens horizontal que dans la direction perpendiculaire. La vitesse ponctuelle, procédant de la vitesse selon un profil et selon une profondeur, a une précision intermédiaire. Des essais de réglage internes ont révélé que la mesure est plus sensible à la taille des cellules qu'au réglage de l'intervalle de temps. Un rapport entre la taille de cellule et la profondeur compris entre 0,1 et 0,2 m a fourni les résultats les plus fiables. Une période de mesure de 30 s est nécessaire pour des