As a result of large-scale sequencing projects and recent splicingmicroarray studies, estimates of mammalian genes expressing multiple transcripts continue to increase. This expansion of transcript information makes it possible to better characterize alternative splicing events and gain insights into splicing mechanisms and regulation. Here, we describe a class of splice sites that we call dual-specificity splice sites, which we identified through genomewide, high-quality alignment of mRNA/EST and genome sequences and experimentally verified by RT-PCR. These splice sites can be alternatively recognized as either 5 or 3 splice sites, and the dual splicing is conceptually similar to a pair of mutually exclusive exons separated by a zero-length intron. The dual-splice-site sequences are essentially a composite of canonical 5 and 3 splice-site consensus sequences, with a CAGͦGURAG core. The relative use of a dual site as a 5 or 3 splice site can be accurately predicted by assuming competition for specific binding between spliceosomal components involved in recognition of 5 and 3 splice sites, respectively. Dual-specificity splice sites exist in human and mouse, and possibly in other vertebrate species, although most sites are not conserved, suggesting that their origin is recent. We discuss the implications of this unusual splicing pattern for the diverse mechanisms of exon recognition and for gene evolution.alternative splicing ͉ competition ͉ mRNA/EST E ukaryotic genes are split into exons and introns, which in the vast majority of cases are marked by a GU dinucleotide (5Ј splice site) at the exon/intron boundary and an AG dinucleotide (3Ј splice site) at the intron/exon boundary. To produce a mature transcript from a pre-mRNA, the introns are spliced out and the exons are ligated by a large protein/small nuclear RNA complex, the spliceosome (1, 2). The accuracy and efficiency of exon and intron recognition and splicing are dictated by: (i) primary splicing signals, including the splice sites, a polypyrimidine tract, and a branch site (2); (ii) nearby exonic or intronic regulatory sequences acting as splicing enhancers or silencers (3-5); (iii) spatial and structural constraints, such as exon and intron size (6, 7) and RNA secondary structure (8); and (iv) interactions of these cis-acting elements with splicing factors (9). Any compromise or disruption of these splicing elements or changes in the levels or properties of the factors may result in regulated alternative splicing (AS) or aberrant splicing events (10).With the availability of genome sequences and a large amount of mRNA/EST data, especially in human and mouse, genome-wide bioinformatic analysis has revealed that a majority (Ͼ60%) of mammalian genes are alternatively spliced in various patterns (11,12). Typical types of AS events include exon skipping/inclusion (cassette exons), alternative 5Ј or 3Ј splice sites, mutually exclusive exon use, intron retention, and various combinations thereof (10). Despite the complexity of splicing patterns and regulatio...