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University of Bristol -Explore Bristol Research
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ABSTRACT PurposeTo explore the long-term impact of difficulty with kneeling and how healthcare services could be improved to help patients kneel after total knee replacement.
MethodsTelephone interviews were conducted with 56 patients who had extreme difficulty kneeling at 7-10 years after knee replacement. Patients were asked about reasons for difficulty kneeling, how it impacted upon their lives, and experiences of healthcare services. Responses were recorded on a standardised proforma and a descriptive content analysis performed.
ResultsMost people had difficulty kneeling because of pain or discomfort in the replaced knee. Many patients described this limitation affected their daily lives, including housework, gardening, religious practices, leisure activities and getting up after a fall. Patients often adapted to these limitations by finding alternatives to kneeling, assistance from others or home adaptations.Many patients had accepted that they could not kneel, however some still expressed frustrated. Few patients had consulted with healthcare professionals about kneeling difficulties, and unmet needs included the provision of information about kneeling and postoperative physiotherapy.
InterpretationThis study provides an initial insight into how difficulty kneeling after knee replacement impacts upon patientsand the need for better healthcare provision.