problem of an insufficient number of IT specialists in Russia is planned to be solved, first of all, by increasing the number of the students enrolled and also by improving information competence of the whole population from students to elderly people. Ways of realization of this strategy are stated in the "Digital Economy of Russia" programme in the section "Human Resources and Education". During the research conducted it was found that nowadays only a third of graduates of higher educational institutions specialized in IT actually work in the IT industry. Remaining graduates are either forced to train for a new profession or to work in other industries. The reason for that is the discrepancy of individual and personal qualities of the students studying information technologies and requirements of specific professions (due to peculiarities of activity) and employers. Results of the held psychological testing showed that the most part of students gets the education not corresponding to their personal potential. In these conditions it is impossible to create a high quality personal trajectory of their development. For obtaining significant effect from implementation of the "Human Resources and Education" programme it is necessary to introduce obligatory psychological testing of personal qualities of high school students and entrants. It is recommended to enroll entrants in the concrete directions of education taking into account these personal qualities. Keywordspersonal qualities, specialists in the IT sphere, Digital Economy of Russia, programme "Human Resources and Education". I. [9] or Soft skills are abilities to build cross-cultural network communications (social and professional), to study and promote slef-improvement, etc. [10].