The collection of conference materials is devoted to the coverage of topical issues of philosophical and humanitarian knowledge in the context of determining the socio-cultural challenges of our time and ways to overcome them through education; philosophical, methodological and cultural foundations of the formation of scientific and methodological potential of modern education; value and worldview aspects of personality development in the context of the introduction of educational technologies; disclosure of the role of social and humanitarian disciplines in the system of higher education; formation of the spiritual and value sphere of the individual, spiritual security and mental health of Ukrainian society in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war; scientific and methodological support for the introduction of modern educational technologies; methodological culture and professional competencies of the teacher of the New Ukrainian School.
The authors analyze the tools of personal development by means of philosophical, spiritual, value, and cultural education. The main aspects of the influence of the information and cultural space on the formation of the personality of teachers and students of different ages in modern historical conditions are determined. The conditions for the formation of the basic value and worldview system by modern means of education are outlined.
The publication is recommended for research and teaching staff of higher and postgraduate education, heads of secondary and preschool education institutions, methodological services, educators, teachers, doctoral students, postgraduates, and students.