Aquestion-and-answer-type of format is used to write this paper. These hydrogen facts are written to inform a n interested a n d concerned reader a b o u t t h e production, storage, a n d utilization of hydrogen. T h e private a n d national research organization of m a n y countries are establishing a foundation for t h e hydrogen economy ( I ) . T h i s research is focused on hvdroeen oroduction. storaee. transmission, a n d . -.-.application to various energy-consuming sectors. It is u p to us (teachers, scientists, students, industrialists) to learn about this fuel and apply its use t o t h e world transportation a n d enerev svstems. It is hoped that t h e following questions a n d ans&rs-will answer most questions a n d priduce a few more within the reader.Why choose hydrogen as a fuel?1. Crude oil and natural gas are a limited supply. Hydrogen, which is foundin water, isvery abundant and would beavailable to both energy-poor and -rich countries (1,2). 2. Hydrogen can be manufactured from domestic energy resources 12. .?\. ~-,-,.