Introduction. The staff of Secondary and Higher Educational establishments start training as students of one of pedagogical universities and this training continues throughout all their professional life. A foreign language teacher ins not an exception. The objective of a higher educational establishment is to provide the foreign language teacher with profound background in several directions, necessary in his professional activity. These concepts include: 1) concepts in linguistics; 2) concepts in psychology and pedagogics; 3) concepts in lingvo-didactics. concepts from the above mentioned scientific spheres are further supported within the framework of self-teaching activities and postgraduate education, they are clarified and enriched with new concepts and meanings, new data obtained from the modern teaching, psychological and methodological research.Materials and Methods. A wide range of research methods (general scientific and special) were used within the framework of the research. The authors of the study widely used the following methods of research: 1) an analysis of the scientific literature on training staff for secondary and higher education; 2) analysis of existing educational systems for teachers training; 3) monitoring the professional work of foreign language teachers;4) testing methods for teachers studying at training courses in the Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Education Development; 5) methods of linguistic descriptions of professional concepts and terminology related to training and education by means of foreign language; 6) survey; 7) monitoring of pedagogical activity of the foreign language teacher and its analysis; 8) Discussions with the management of educational institutions, where the teacher is working.Results. The following scope of scientific work has been performed as a result of the survey 1) The psychological and didactic features of activity of the future foreign language teacher in the school environment and the higher education institution have been defined; 2) significant range of professional teaching concepts that are important for the efficient organization of educational process in the sphere of language in schools and universities has been revealed; 3) conditions under which bachelors and post-graduate students master methodological concepts within their systematic training in high school have been described; 4) special methodological terms explicating professional and methodological ideas and meanings that are important for the teaching of the discipline "Foreign Language", in the organization of educational, cultural and educational activities of the teacher by means of a foreign language have been selected and organized into particular structure; 5) tools for assessing the quality of mastering terminological apparatus of methodical science has been definedDiscussions and Conclusions. The authors made recommendations for teachers of major subjects "Theory and a training and education (foreign language)", "Methods of teaching foreign languages at school", "Methods of teaching foreign languages in high school", "Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures "in order to create a professional conceptual field of the teacher of foreign language.