Salt is necessary for the proper functioning of the organism, but the excessive use of it in feeding has increased the incidence of arterial hypertension (AHT), which constitutes the main risk factor of death in the world, and the second of disability due to heart disease and brain strokes. The aim of this work was to review, from a current perspective, the relationships between salt consumption (SCN) and public health, with emphasis on AHT, as well as in the existing policies aimed at reducing its overuse. Multiple studies indicate that the reduction of SCN is one of the most effective measures. However, the addition of salt during cooking is not the only problem, since the greatest amount of salt comes from precooked foods. Therefore, the fight against excessive SCN should be conceived as a permanent activity of medical services, with the constant support of public authorities, and collaboration of food industries by reducing or eliminating salt addition from prepared meals, following the scientific recommendations issued in recent years. Keywords: Salt consumption; Sodium intake; Hypertension; Cardiovascular diseases; Public health
ResumenLa sal es necesaria para el buen funcionamiento del organismo, pero el aumento excesivo de su ingesta está produciendo incremento en la incidencia de hipertensión arterial (HTA), la que constituye el principal factor de riesgo de muerte en el mundo, y el segundo de discapacidad por enfermedad cardiaca y accidente cerebrovascular. El objetivo de este trabajo fue revisar, desde una perspectiva actual, las relaciones existentes entre el consumo de sal (CNS) y la salud pública, haciendo énfasis en la HTA, así como en las políticas existentes encaminadas a reducir su sobreuso. Múltiples estudios señalan que la reducción del CNS en la población es una de las medidas más eficaces. Sin embargo, la adición de sal durante el cocinado no es el único problema, ya que la mayor cantidad proviene de