“…lelyi C. D. Adams (Compositae) contains only sesquiterpenes, which are mainly triquinanes. Besides the known tricyclic compounds, silphiperfol-5-(1, 3) and -6-ene (4), modhephen-2-ene (5), α-(6) and β-isocomene (7), silphiperfolan-7β-ol (12), presilphiperfolan-8-ol (13), silphiperfol-6-en-5-one (14) and 7-epi-silphiperfolan-6β-ol (20), the following compounds, three of which (15,17,18) have new skeletons, were found, for the first time, occurring naturally: presilphiperfol-7-ene (2), cameroonan-7-ol (15), an 11(7Ǟ8)-abeoEchinops giganteus var. lelyi C. D. Adams (Compositae) is an endemic species of Cameroon and Nigeria.…”