To foster inclusivity and increase diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education, ErgoNomiCs and Human-Automation iNteracTion (ENCHANT) summer camp was hosted at the University of Michigan's Industrial and Operations Engineering Department (IOE). Middle school students were introduced to IOE, Human Factors Engineering, and Robotics through four 50-minute engaging activity stations: two were specifically developed for outreach activities, and the other two were modified from current research topics. The stations included interactive hands-on activities and discussions around optimization, robotics, trust in automation, and autonomous vehicles. Post-activity evaluation questionnaires revealed that students were excited, engaged, and gained a deeper understanding of the topics covered during each station. By providing an environment where education, exploration, and enjoyment intersected, the camp created a platform for the students to get an insight into the exciting possibilities that industrial engineering holds. More summer camps should be hosted on various engineering topics, to broaden access to hands-on activities that provide enriching learning experiences to diverse student populations and encourage student interest in engineering and related fields.