The performance of the physics-based protocol, whose main component is the United Residue (UNRES) physics-based coarse-grained force field, developed in our laboratory for the prediction of protein structure from amino acid sequence, is illustrated. Candidate models are selected, based on probabilities of the conformational families determined by multiplexed replica-exchange simulations, from the 10th Community Wide Experiment on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP10). For target T0663, classified as a new fold, which consists of two α + β domains homologous to those of known proteins, UNRES predicted the correct symmetry of packing, in which the domains are rotated with respect to each other by 180°in the experimental structure. By contrast, models obtained by knowledge-based methods, in which each domain is modeled very accurately but not rotated, resulted in incorrect packing. Two UNRES models of this target were featured by the assessors. Correct domain packing was also predicted by UNRES for the homologous target T0644, which has a similar structure to that of T0663, except that the two domains are not rotated. Predictions for two other targets, T0668 and T0684_D2, are among the best ones by global distance test score. These results suggest that our physicsbased method has substantial predictive power. In particular, it has the ability to predict domain-domain orientations, which is a significant advance in the state of the art.protein folding | structure symmetry | multi-domain packing P rediction of protein structures from amino acid sequence still remains an unsolved problem of computational biology. Although, since the famous experiments by Anfinsen (1), it is known that a protein adopts the structure which is the (kinetically reachable) global minimum of the free energy of a system, it is not straightforward to implement this physical principle in practice because of the inaccuracy of existing force fields and because of the enormous difficulty to search the conformational space of the system. Therefore, the most effective methods for protein-structure prediction nowadays are knowledge-based approaches, in which database information is incorporated explicitly into the procedure (2). These methods can be divided into three categories, namely, comparative (homology) modeling (3-5), in which the target sequence is compared with the sequences for which experimental structures are known and those structures are usually selected as candidate models for which the greatest similarity is observed; threading (6-8), in which the target sequence is superposed on structures from a database, and those which give the highest score (lowest pseudoenergy) are selected as candidate predictions; and, finally, the fragment-assembly or minithreading method developed by David Baker and colleagues (9, 10), in which the predicted structure is assembled from nine-residue fragments extracted from a protein-structure database, and knowledge-and physicsbased filters are applied at each asse...