The development of production and application of polymers depends on the need to solve many problems, such as safety, health and food, communications, climate, etc. Construction can be singled out in the first place - this is a large field where new materials are used, including polymers. It is polymers that give freedom of creativity to architects, designers of building structures and structures. Polymer materials are not only the industry of synthetic polymers, but also a promising branch of the construction industry. The basis of all polymer construction products is a small list of basic, primarily large-tonnage polymers. Among thermoplastic polymers - this is polyvinyl chloride. Epoxy polymers, although they do not belong to large-tonnage polymers, but the breadth of their application in construction is extremely wide, due to their manufacturability and unrivaled adhesion to all building materials. The range of properties of materials made of polyvinyl chloride and epoxy polymers is so wide that they allow satisfying the most diverse functional requirements. The directions developed at the Department of Technology of Building Materials, Products and Structures (TSMIK) to promote polymer products in the construction industry are connected with materials based on these two polymers. The article briefly describes the main achievements of the department staff in the field of modification of polyvinyl chloride and epoxy polymers, reveals the problems and prospects of further research, new possibilities and boundaries of their effective application.