Abstract. In the present paper, an in-house CFD code is developed using Roe scheme to simulate a condensing two-phase ow in blade to blade passage of a steam turbine. E ects of condensation on the ow eld of steam turbine rotor tip section are investigated for di erent outlet pressures. Firstly, comparison is performed between results of wet and dry cases. Then, e ects of outlet pressure variations on the ow eld are studied. Finally, e ects of condensation on di erent speci cations of the ow eld (total pressure loss coe cient, entropy generation, and deviation angle) are investigated. Also, the mechanism of ow deviation in the cascade ow eld is described. Condensation has a great in uence on the behavior of the ow eld based on the numerical results of this paper. It changes the out ow direction, and consequently the ow entering to the next blade deviates from its on-design condition; thus, additional losses are produced. For example, the value of deviation angle reaches 7:62 for wet case and exit Mach number M e = 1:45. Also, there are stagnation pressure loss and entropy generation due to non-equilibrium condensation that reduce the e ciency of the steam turbine.