In a recent paper, Kaplinghat & Turner (KT) advertised that modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) could be derived naturally in the cold dark matter (CDM) paradigm. They actually proceeded to produce a more limited result: Every galaxy should have a transition radius below which baryons dominate and above which dark r t matter takes over; the acceleration at is nearly the same for all galaxies, and owing to coincidences, this is on r t the order of . This follows from their tacit, intermediate result, whereby CDM halos of galaxies have a ∼ cH varies from halo to halo. (This remains so when baryons are added because KT assume a universal baryoncollapse factor.) The KT scenario is phenomenologically wrong-observed galaxies are simply not like that. For example, their scenario precludes altogether the existence of low surface brightness galaxies, in which the acceleration is everywhere smaller than . The phenomenologically sound outcome-i.e., the role of as a a a 0 0 transition acceleration in high surface brightness galaxies-pertains to only a small part of the statement of MOND. There are several other independent roles that plays in MOND phenomenology and other a ∼ cH 0 0 predictions of MOND, not related to the value of , that are not explainable in the KT scenario. The results of a 0 KT also disagree with those of CDM simulations, which, as they now stand, do not reproduce any aspect of MOND phenomenology.