The paper is dedicated to Mihail Samoilovich Livshits, who was first to consider a nonselfadjoit operator as a part of an extended sefadjoint scattering system.Abstract. We consider a one-body spin-less electron spectral problem for a resonance scattering system constructed of a quantum well weakly connected to a noncompact exterior reservoir, where the electron is free. The simplest kind of the resonance scattering system is a quantum network, with the reservoir composed of few disjoint cylindrical quantum wires, and the Schrödinger equation on the network, with the real bounded potential on the wells and constant potential on the wires. We propose a Dirichlet-to-Neumann -based analysis to reveal the resonance nature of conductance across the star-shaped element of the network (a junction), derive an approximate formula for the scattering matrix of the junction, construct a fitted zero-range solvable model of the junction and interpret a phenomenological parameter arising in DattaDas Sarma boundary condition, see [13], for T-junctions. We also propose using of the fitted zero-range solvable model as the first step in a modified analytic perturbation procedure of calculation of the corresponding scattering matrix.