Assembly of bacterial flagella is developmentally important during both planktonic cell growth and biofilm formation. Flagellar biogenesis is complex, requiring coordinated expression of over 40 genes, and normally commences during the log-to-stationary transition phase. We describe here a novel membrane-localized regulator, MorA, that controls the timing of flagellar development and affects motility, chemotaxis, and biofilm formation in Pseudomonas putida. MorA is conserved among diverse Pseudomonas species, and homologues are present in all Pseudomonas genomes sequenced thus far. In P. putida, the absence of MorA derepresses flagellar development, which leads to constitutive formation of flagella in the mutant cells in all growth phases. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the absence of MorA led to a reduction in biofilm formation. However, unlike the motility of P. putida, the motility of the P. aeruginosa mutants was unaffected. Our data illustrate a novel developmentally regulated sensory and signaling pathway for several properties required for virulence and ecological fitness of Pseudomonas species.Bacterial cells exist either as free-swimming planktonic cells or in surface-attached communities known as biofilms. In planktonic cell cultures, the log-to-stationary transition phase is marked by the onset of flagellar development, which is a highly complex process involving coordinated expression of over 40 genes in a hierarchical manner (3,8,11,16). Recently, the regulatory control of flagellar biogenesis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa was described in detail (7). In contrast to the threetier regulation in the multiflagellated organism Escherichia coli, a four-tier hierarchy is present in the monoflagellated organism P. aeruginosa. At the top of the hierarchy are the transcriptional regulators, FleQ, and the alternative sigma factor FliA, which regulate at least 11 operons. Planktonic cells undergo multiple developmental changes during their transition from free-swimming organisms to the surface-attached bacterial communities that constitute biofilms. Appropriate levels of flagellin subunits seem to be a key factor since overexpression of flagellin in E. coli results in reduced adhesion (10). In fully developed biofilms, bacteria like Pseudomonas putida may even lack flagella (22). However, in P. aeruginosa, the role of flagella in biofilm formation still remains an open question as a recent study of biofilm development showed that flagella are not involved in the attachment and that initial microcolony formation occurs by clonal growth (9). Despite the fact that there is a great deal of knowledge concerning the flagellar pathway in diverse bacteria, very little is known about the negative regulation of this process.Here we describe identification of MorA, a membrane-localized negative regulator of the timing of flagellar formation. In the mutilflagellated organism P. putida, planktonic cells of a morA mutant have constitutive expression of flagella. This property enhances motility and chemotaxis, but it interferes with...