We propose a useful method for deriving the effective theory for a system where BPS and anti-BPS domain walls coexist. Our method respects an approximately preserved SUSY near each wall. Due to the finite width of the walls, SUSY breaking terms arise at tree-level, which are exponentially suppressed. A practical approximation using the BPS wall solutions is also discussed. We show that a tachyonic mode appears in the matter sector if the corresponding mode function has a broader profile than the wall width. ¶ Supersymmetry (SUSY) is one of the most promising candidate for the solution to the hierarchy problem. When you construct a realistic model, however, SUSY must be broken because no superparticles have been observed yet. Thus, considering some SUSY breaking mechanism is an important issue for the realistic model-building. However, conventional SUSY breaking mechanisms are somewhat complicated in four dimensions [1].On the other hand, the brane-world scenario, which was originally proposed as an alternative solution to the hierarchy problem [2, 3], has been attracted much attention and investigated in various frameworks. It is based on an idea that our four-dimensional (4D) world is embedded into a higher dimensional space-time 1 . The 4D hypersurface on which we live is generally called a brane, and it can be a D brane (a stack of D branes) in the string theory or a topological defect in the field theory like a domain wall, vortex, monopole and so on. Recently, in spite of its original motivation of solving the hierarchy problem, the extra dimensions are utilized in order to explain various phenomenological problems, such as the fermion mass hierarchy [5,6,7], the proton stability [5], the doublettriplet splitting in the grand unified theory [8] and so on. In particular, the brane-world scenario can provide some simple mechanisms of SUSY breaking. One of them is a mechanism where SUSY is broken by the boundary conditions for the bulk fields [9]. 2 There is another interesting SUSY breaking mechanism, which utilizes BPS objects. They are the states that saturate the Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) bound [11], and preserve part of the bulk SUSY. By using the (BPS) D branes, for example, we can break SUSY in a very simple way. This mechanism is called pseudo-supersymmetry [12] or quasi-supersymmetry [13]. In this mechanism, the theory has two or more sectors in which different fractions of the bulk SUSY are preserved, and all of it are broken in the whole system. One of the simplest examples is a system where parallel D3 brane and anti-D3 brane coexist with a finite distance. (See Fig.1.) Since each brane preserves an opposite half of the bulk SUSY, SUSY is completely broken in this system. A 4D effective theory for such a system can be derived by using the technique of the nonlinear realization for the space-time symmetries [12].In the field theoretical context, there is a similar SUSY breaking mechanism to the pseudo-supersymmetry. In this mechanism, SUSY is broken due to the coexistence of two BPS domain...